This Innovacelli Barometrer contains 4 vacuum cells and therefore has a smaller scale than the existing Innovacellli collection. This barometer has a total length of 75 cm and meets the demand for those who would like a barometer in a smaller proportion. The setting, accuracy, etc., .. are the same as the traditional Innavacelli barometers. This range of barometers will be identified by the name: "Fox" Innovacelli Collection. You will find more of them in the "design" collection. These products require no special treatment for shipping.
This barometer also includes a thermometer and a hygrometer. A handy mounting system is included.
The instruments are mounted between two printed sheets of glass, of which the rear glass plate (12 mm thickness) having a faceted edge.
The metal parts of the instrument have a chrome finishing.
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SKU: IN725.470 Transparrent glass
Products are made on demand. Please contact us for the delay.
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